Al and I stayed up till 2:30am on Friday night hitting the sauce with my boy Bill P. (who is in his early 50's and climbs 5.10trad and grade 5 ice AND can outcrank me in the partyin dept - on top of all that he is my 2nd Blackberry buddy!!). and Keith our gracious host. I awoke Sat am to a feeling similar to that of being hit by a truck.
Unlike the day before where we woke up at 6am and were climbing by 9ish - Sat was a much slower pace, we got to the crag around 11ish. Todays destination was The Smoke Bluffs - a cool single pitch area just down the street from the Chief. People have homes built right next to the cliff in areas - which was strange yet cool.
I did a climb and decided to feed the belly as 2 slices of toast just didn't cut it. So off to downtown Squamish I went (about a 10 second drive). Had me some Mexican, then sat at Starbucks and drank much needed coffee while chatting with my sister Beks about all the world's social injustices.
[As a side note... to all my friends I have unlimited long distance on weekends with my blackberry... so I try calling y'all hopin to hear your voices... and all i get is damn voicemail :( ]
Anyways back to the crag (yet another 10 second drive). I met back up with Al, Bill, Keith and Jenn who all were wiped out so we said our goodbye's and hugs went flying all around... then there were just the two of us.
I look up at the rock face infront of me.
There was a beautiful - finger-ish size crack breaking up a beautiful solid featureless wall.
I had to do it. I didn't care about the grade (for the record it was 11c).
Holy crap... it was hard, fun and fookin HARD.
I hung my ass all over it.

However - I also have a first real trad project... I will send this bastard while here...
Tonight - we're staying with Al's buddy Mike. I'm standing in his livingroom with the laptop hanging out of the window (to get a wireless signal from a neighbor).

Tomorrow - We're climbing with Todd and Nicole which will be great! Also great news is that Barbara has changed her flight and is joining us to party and climb in squamish this week! GOOO B-A-R-B.
Next week - Bryden joins us.. and the 3 boys go to Smith Rocks in Oregon... birthplace of sport climbing in North America where there are over 3000 routes!