Tuesday, July 05, 2005

packed and jacked


Thanks to everyone who came to the al and kevin going-away bbq last night (minus the al). By the time everyone left and i finished cleaning up it was like 11 - drank wine with the parents and finally around midnight decided it was time to put the box on the rack and start packing... 3:3oam and it was time to pass out..

Both Al and I are packed now though.... I'm just about to leave work for the last time... and pick up Al at 2 then hit the road. We're gonna try to push through to Sault St Marie... and then have a big driving day tomorrow.

More to come... rock out



At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't believe that you're gone yet, but when you finally DO hit the road, have an AWEsome good time, boys!! SUPER duper happy for ya's!!!

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
I guess you're already on the road and on your way here to the Sault. Give me a call when you have time for an ETA.
See ya, Cutts
Shannon says Qwank!


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