Friday, July 29, 2005

B-wagg is here!! Well almost...

Just waiting at the airport for our homefry Bryden... Once B-unit gets here we're off to Smith Rocks - one of the true mecca's of rock climbing in the united states.

As roaming charges apply to using my Crackberry I will not be (gasp) using it till we are back in canada sometime late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.

While we're waiting I wanted to thank Al's cousin Victoria and her husband Matt - you guys rock!! We had dinner with em yesterday at a great all you can eat sushi joint follow by drinking and smoking cuban stoogies at their AMAZING condo overlooking the vancouver harbourfront... Thanks for the rockin hospitality guys!

Next week is going to be bumpin - Bryden will be here, Rob is joining us on Wed and ontop of all that Al and I will be climbing the Grand Wall on Friday - no excuses!!

Well - let's see what crackberry withdrawl looks like... Doubt it will be pretty!

K-man out!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

... i think i'm going through a little black crack withdrawal, too!

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...K said black crack!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Feed me pictures! Feed me stories!


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