March has been a rollercoaster ride...
On the bad side - Chewie had x-rays last week which sadly showed that one of the wires in her jaw had failed, which forced the vet to operate right away to repair and install 3 more wires back into her jaw in an attempt to fix things. We all have our fingers crossed hoping it works this time, if there is another failure then there will be some very hard decisions that need to be made... but we're all hopeful!!
Here's a pic of Chew right after I brought her home from her second surgery.

Otherwise it's been standard operating procedure for Kevman. I've been climbing, skiing, hiking and working (though work has dominated the bulk of my activities). Things at work are going quite well - just super busy (any IT friends - now is a GREAT time to move out here if you are interested).

Here are some pics of my friends and I playing(work pics are pretty boring afterall).
Hope you all are rockin...
Me doing some fun mixed climbing (climbing rock with crampons and ice tools)

My buddy Adam

Tat tearin up the slopes

aw, poor chew! is she your's? i didn't know you had a dog... but she's a cutie.
otherwise looks/sounds like you're having a wicked time. that's a really neat photo; the mixed climbing one - the back and side-'grounds' (?) look very cool.
take care dude...
awwwwwww chewie!! those pics are so sad.
Kev, the other night I had a nightmare that I had the same thing wrong w/ my Jaw! I'm really feelin' her pain!! hope she feels better soon :)
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