Saturday, July 23, 2005

what if?

What if Calgary or Vancouver is where I belong?

Everyday I walk through places I could't of dreamed exisited, places with such beauty they overwhelm me.

Life out here is beautiful - people are so kind and warm - everyone is having one of the best days of their lives (everyday).

Why... no... How can I not live in a place that makes me better?

Kev - awake at 2am


At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the guys I met out here (he's been here for 12 yrs) from toronto couldn't quite say what it is about out here aside from "it's west coast living baby"
Chill dat yo.
I wonder what people are still doing living in other places. It does keep it rather prisine w/out the hordes of millions to pollute it all.

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kev, if you're still trying to decide between Calgary and Vancoocoo....I donno bro...
I have you pegged in the Cowgirl town fer sure considering the pic on this page! HOW could you possibly resist THAT!? Kapt


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