More ice climbing!
Over the weekend I made plans to take 2 friends (Canmore-Mike and Kent) ice climbing - Kent had never tried it and Mike had only done it a few times. So Al and I decided to take them to the Stanley Headwall area in BC. This gorgeous area is one of the most beautiful places I've ever ice climbed in. There is a vertical rockface on one side rising about a thousand feet above a beautiful valley.

As it was quite early in the season - we didn't have too many climbs to choose from - we read reports online that Sinus Gully an easy grade 3 climb was 'in' so we decided to make that our destination. It seems that about a dozen or so other climbers decided the same thing! We rolled into the parking lot around 9am to find a full parking lot- Yikes!
We started hiking in... Al and I decided to pick the pace up to see if we could pass any groups on the way in - I guess we were walking pretty fast as we passed 3 groups on the way in... the first group to get to Sinus gully beat us there by only 5 minutes and they left 45 minutes before us!!!
Anyways, we had a casual fun day climbing Sinus Gully and introducing Kent to the wonderful world of ice - something which he took very naturally to.
This is my last full week off before I begin work next Wednesday, so I;ll be looking to get as much ice climbing in as possible.
Hey H - if you almost beat one of the groups to the climb "and they left 45mins before you" what the heck were you guys doing in the parking lot all that time? Hugging and kissing? PS And dont boast about how fast you can hike - you have not had a race with a GUIDE yet = get ready to puke your lungs out man! Hugs....(manly ones!)Kapt
Friends were at the parking lot waiting for us and saw the other parties leave, I wouldn't lollygag in the parking lot!
I wanna see some pics of Chewie!!!
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