The worst kept secret
So this week has been bananas... With the pillar on Wedneday and a full day of sick Trad climbing with Wolfang yesterday.For those that know Squamish I climbed Arrowroot (10b) Rutabega - 2 beautiful pitches of 11a,

Seasoned in the Sun (10b)

Jingus the Cat(10b).

Wolfie was an amazing guide - putting me on one beautiful lead after another - really showing me some of the best that Squamish has to offer.
Anyways - time for the big news (though I'm sure most of you have heard the gossip already).
I've decided to make Calgary home. As much as I love Vancouver (and I really do) my gut has been telling me that this isn't the time for me to be in Van. Here is text from an email I wrote to my buddy Bill regarding why I chose the C-dot.
How are you my friend?
I decided on Sunday that I was going to stay in Vancouver.... As I made sunday the deadline for my decision making re: my next home.
I went for a long walk on kits beach which was filled with beautiful girls and mountains in the background.... The thought of living in such a beautiful and temperate climate seemed to appeal to me.
However - something surfaced in me when I was at MEC. I was going through the ice guide for SW BC and looked through it with dispair... The climbs looked bunk. The ice season here runs maybe 2 months - and with no real dependable ice... Then I looked at the scrambles book and wasn't horribly impressed with what I saw...
Ontop of that - I read an article in the business section of the paper about how short calgary is of workers... Even at places like tim horton's they can't find enough people to fill all the empty jobs slots.
I came back to where I'm staying and finally realized (for real this time) the I am meant to be in calgary... I think in order to really believe it I needed to actually look around at vancouver as home. I tried and I really liked what I saw but there was something missing - the real mountains of the rockies... As much as I love squamish I love the rockies more, I love the 2 hour approaches, I LOVE the alpine settings and I love that it is a year round outdoor playground.
I love that calgary is gonna be home!
Sorry for the late email - just wanted to share my update with you!
Over and out
This decision is especially hard as it means I will have to say good bye to my new West coast family Todd and Nicole - there are no words to describe how amazing they have been: allowing me to stay with them for as long as needed, they've showed me what a wonderful city Vancouver is - and more importantly they've showed me what genuinely amazing people they really are, starting a new life with them as support and good friends would of been a very easy decision.

Moving to Calgary with no friends to hug me is a very hard choice...
There is something calming knowing that my resolve remains unfetered dispite all the objectives hazards against me moving to calgary. There will be periods of stress, sadness and lonliness - however all that will hopefully be minimized by the fact that I made a decision that was solely made based on what I felt was best for me... I've never made such a big decision without weighing what others thought I should do. I feel a little taller today as a result.
So that's it kiddies - the K-Bomb is gonna be a fuckin cowboy!
Come visit and let me show you what a killer city Calgary is!
6 Comments:'ll get hugs son. You'll get hugs.
Good luck!
Yeah, hugs from all those cowgirls who want to have your babies! ;)
You have at least one friend in Cow-town who will give you hugs in the city that has a lot to offer to a single young new cowboy!
Congrats on the decision Kev... Just be careful of the grizzlies and mountain lions when you are taking a long hike in the rockies. Cheers.
I think I would make the trip to Calgary just to see you in a Timmy Ho's uniform.
I can't believe how much you've gotten out of your 'pilgrimage.' Congratulations. I hope it only gets better for you.
... wait a minute... did you change your mind just because brad pitt is in town???
i guess it *could* mean some work as an extra -- "cowboy #8" or something...
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