Fall in the mountains...
I know...
Its been a long time since I've updated this blog - guess I've just been waiting for worthwhile news.
I had a beautiful home lined up, was less than a day away from moving in when I got the call from the leasing office that there was some big fallout with the developer and the apartments were basically no longer available... shit.
Anyways so I went through the whole search process again, this time finding a great place right on 17th Ave - for you guys in Toronto think Queen street but with way hotter girls ;) The place was recently totally renovated and looks great - the only problem is that my place isn't available till oct 1 (boo). So basically I've gotta wait out the next 2 weeks.
I'm moving to Tat's parents house tomorrow, there just isn't enough room here at Tat's (she has 2 great roommates who have been very cool with me being here). I love her parents and they seem to like me so I'm sure we'll have a great time, in addition Tat has 3 other sisters who are all cool too so I'll have lots of company.
Anyways - in addition to my home search I've been looking for work too, the home search took alot of my time, now that that has been settled I'm psyched to go fulltime into job hunting mode.

I've also been going up to the mountains around canmore a couple days here and there. Spent last sunday doing some amazing mountain biking with my friend Mike. We did a gruling loop that involved some lung killing up hill spinning - which thankfully rewarded us in some KILLER-FAST bombing our rigs downhill for over 20 minutes. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
In the last week fall has come hard and fast to Calgary. There aren't beautiful fall colors like we have in the east... you see a few specks of yellow here and there but thats it - there are very few deciduous trees here (deciduous trees shed their leaves before the cold season). In the last week snow has also begun to appear above treeline on the peaks, I must say its a beautiful sight. A sight that makes me want to sharpen my ice tools and get my snowboard out here from Toronto!

Today I was up in Camore spending the day climbing with Mike, his wife Claire, Tat, Kent and Gisele for a fun day of climbing at Cougar Creek - my favorite easy access crag here.
Hope you all are doing well.
P.S. I've decided to keep this blog going till I get my own place - as that will really be the ending of what has been an amazing pilgrimage across country in search of a new beginning.
Rock on friends.
Good luck job hunting H! Kapt
Such amazing pictures...love the scenary...
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