Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What the hell is Kevman doing?

Hey guys.

Haaaa - I fooled some of ya! I didn't starve after all (though I may of come close after a few "meals" I tried cookin). I have become an expert pizza cook. None of that frozen-ass shit - I buy the crust and make a freakin PROFESSIONAL grade pie!

Kev has been good, I'm settling into my Calgary life. I'm not about to jinx it but my job outlook is lookin promising ;) Stay tuned as there may be a signigicant update next week.

Otherwise I've been living a great life - been whoopin it up with the part crew (tat's 3 sisters). To be honest hanging out with so many beautiful girls ain't as glamourous as you may think. Sure my security gaurds may think I am king pimp when I come stumbling back with 7 drunk girls - but no man can be a man with so many girls. I usually sit in a corner and watch girls being girls... you guys should hear what they're sayin bout ya!!

So thats all for now. I'm good, happy and totally rejuvinated and ready for work. I'm still hitting the mountains - hell I was out climbing on Sunday and even did a few lines with no shirt on in the glorious sun! I love shirtless climbin in October.

Halloween is coming up, the party crew has big plans as they are hostin a pimpin party.

I have no idea about a costume; was thinking about a one-piece black unitard with beer cans, cig butts and fake vomit glued to me - I would be the "Bar Floor"!!

The followin weekend I'm real psyched for - a bunch of us are heading to Banff for the film festival and some ice climbing - wooohoooo!

Anyways - stay in touch and know that I miss you all.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Kev is home..... Yikes!!!

Hey friends...

Well after 3 months of being a homeless vagrant, the end has come and Kevin has taken up residence!! Sweet jesus!

So I've been spending too much time at ikea and other home stores... thinking about things like coffee tables, couches and swiffers (swiffers are cool bones by the way!)

So my place is far from complete - I've included a couple pics - but the place is very much still in need of decorating as I have only been here 2 days. I still need to make it home. Being the true geek that I am - my gear was the first thing unpacked!

I've decided to take my favorite pics from the last 3 month's worth of adventures and put them up as 8x10's throughout my place. I'm still trying to figure out if I can get a hangboard - if anyone has experience putting one up please send me an email.

Tomorrow I have 2 meetings - one is an interview with a headhunting firm - the other is a networking meeting with a senior guy in the IT world. Tat's dad Rolands has been very nice to me and hooked up this meeting - Thanks Rollie!

For the last 2 weeks I've been staying with Tat's family - Rolands and Rasma and their 3 daughters Alex, Dionne and Erica (3 beautiful girls, 2 in their early 20's and Dionne is 18). We had a blast - Rasma and I would chat for an hour every morning while drinking our coffee. Rolands and I would talk about everythign from work to hiking in the mountians, and the girls and I would talk about all the partying they had been doing (they party ALOT... way more than I ever could!).

The Muiznieks family has been amazing - I have plates, 2 super comfy round bamboo chairs and countless other things from them, I am grateful that this amazing family has brought me in like they have... without them things would be much much harder for me.

So now that I am fattened up its up to me to cook and live... hope things work out.

If you don't hear from me its probably cause I starved and died.

Wish me luck tomorrow!
