Vancouver / Squamish
A couple weeks ago my boss called a meeting - apparantly our company had been sold to a large European company called The Videor Group, we're now part of the world's 3rd largest staffing organization. From a day to day standpoint nothing changes for us - or so we were told.
However there was a twist - the company was flying us out to Vancouver for a day to meet up with all the Western Branches for the official announcement. Woohooo!! Instantly thoughts of climbing Squamish's beautiful cracks and boulders entered my mind. Could I do it - could I turn a work trip into a climbing trip? With the thumbs up from my boss and a call to the airline it was done... I was staying from Wed - Sunday to climb and party with my friends in Vancouver.
Thankfully my good friend Susan was super kind and let me stay with her and even gave me the use of her car so that I could drive back and forth to climb on Thurs and Fri.
Of course my timing sucked - all my climbing friends (4 of em) were all out of town that week so I scrambled to find someone to climb with - then I remembered my friend Jess had just finished a 5 month road trip across the US and was in the process of moving to Van. She was more than happy to climb with me. So we spent day one doing some amazing crack climbs (ending up with Exasperator - a super famous and super amazing 2 pitch crack climb). Of course I forgot my camera that day so no pics.
Day 2 was bouldering day - I had done quite a bit of bouldering this winter so I wanted to see if there was any pay off... It was super fun. Yay for Squamish!! Thanks work!!

Susan was a great hostess - she had a $200 gift certificate to a restaurant called West - which had won numerous awards for the best restaurant in Van, since she had no lucky guy that was worthy of using it on she took me out! Yay for Susan!! Anyways after some amazing food, wine and dessert we were trying to guess what the bill was gonna be... $200.64 Yay for us!! hahahaa...
Anyways... gotta run thats all for now...