Crazee days
The last 2 weeks have been hectic, stressful and super fun all in one big package.
Chew has had a horrible 2 weeks - her jaw was broken and falling out of place. Seeing this was probably one of the sadest things I've ever seen. To make a long story short - in the end I found an amazing vet that specializes in Dentistry - she removed a bunch of chewie's teeth (she had some bad gum disease) and did an amazing job fixing chew's broken jaw. Surgery was last Thursday - since then Chew's recovery has been nothing short of amazing. She's bounced back like a champ - she runs like a puppy again... yay for Chew!
Friends: Feb has been friends month - Lockie and Jess made it official - THEY ARE MOVING HERE IN MARCH - WOOHOO!
Skiing: Tat, Liz myself and our friend hit up Sunshine 2 weekends ago to do some skiing - we were rewarded with amazing sunshine and warm temps - felt like spring!

Bryden came to visit last week...

There was quite a fair bit of booze consumed with the "Party Crew"...

I think Bwagg left with some good things to say of the Cal. For those of you that heard the engaged-girl story - just know that there's much more to the story!!

Anyways - I'm trying to keep this shit short - who likes reading lots? Not I!